The news came via '' citing cartoonist Satish Acharya's Twitter that cartoonist Surendra has bid farewell to cartooning. Surendra had a blazing innings with cartoonist Keshav for a long time in the English daily 'The Hindu'. Four years ago, he retired from there. However, his cartoons continued to appear in Telangana Today. His cartoons speak the language of the common man. He uses a minimum of words. His clean-line cartoons of 4 columns are of international standard. Cartoonists like Surendra are very few in the country. Surendra has two sons. He lives in Hyderabad with his wife, parents, and one son. The news of him stopping making cartoons was shocking. To verify the truth, I personally spoke to him, some excerpts of which are presented here:
Mr. Surendra, just heard that you have said goodbye to cartooning, what happened suddenly?
There are two reasons - one is that now there is no longer an environment to make cartoons in newspapers and my health is not supporting me.
What happened to you?
I have a disease called Parkinson's, due to which my hands tremble and the output is not there.
A few days ago when I gave you information over the phone for the website of Teekhi Mirchi, you had said that these days you are making cartoons somewhere else?
Yes, I was making cartoons for Telugu and English newspapers in Telangana.
Which newspaper?
In 'Telangana Today', it also gets published in Telugu.
You have been making cartoons in both English and Telugu, which language did you enjoy making cartoons in, Telugu or English?
In Telugu... In 10 years I made cartoons for 3 Telugu newspapers.
A cartoonist's mind is always making cartoons 24 hours, so now when you get ideas for cartoons in your mind, how will you draw them?
Yes. That's true.. I can't say anything right now, but I think I will write something like a blog in the future.
Is there someone in your family who can outline the cartoons as you say?
No. Although I have some friends whose drawing is good. But it's difficult that someone can think like you and create exactly that.
Is your treatment going on? What do the doctors say, how long will you get well?
It's a neurological problem. It takes years. I have to keep someone with me all the time. My wife stays with me.
You are a respected member of the '' family. We have become accustomed to seeing your cartoons. So where will we see your cartoons now. Do you have any plans to publish a collection of your cartoons in the future?
Not for now.
Any plans to open a cartoon academy?
No. For the academy, money is needed... I will think about writing a blog.
We pray to God that you start making cartoons again soon. Many good wishes to you for good health from ''...
Former cartoonist with The Hindu. Presently with Telangana Today.
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