‘तीखी मिर्च’ देश की पहली द्विभाषी राष्ट्रीय कार्टून पत्रिका है, जहाँ देश के तमाम अग्रणी कार्टूनिस्टों ने सरकार और समाज से जुड़े मुद्दों पर अपने बेबाक कार्टूनों के ज़रिये अपने और जनता के मन की बात रखी है. वर्ष 2015 से शुरू हुई यह यात्रा सन 2018 तक निर्बाध गति से चलती रही पर फिर किसी कारणवश इसके प्रकाशन में व्यवधान आ गया. लेकिन इतनी छोटी सी अवधि में ही इसने अपने पाठकों के दिल में इतनी जगह बना ली थी कि इसके पुनः प्रकाशन की मांग बार-बार उठती रही. इसके चाहने वालों के लगातार दवाब के चलते अंततः इसको फिर से शुरू करने का निर्णय लिया गया. इसकी पहुँच व्यापक हो सके इसलिए सोचा गया कि इसे डिजिटल फॉर्म में लाया जाये और न सिर्फ पत्रिका, बल्कि एक वेबसाईट हो, जहाँ आप अपने प्रिय कार्टूनिस्टों के नए-पुराने सभी तरह के कार्टूनों का आनंद ले सकें. इसके अलावा यहाँ आप विदेशी कार्टूनिस्टों का काम भी देख सकेंगे और समय-समय पर इन तमाम कार्टूनिस्टों से इंटरव्यू के जरिए आपकी मुलाकात भी होती रहेगी.
In an era where freedom of expression is under constant threat, it becomes essential for artists, especially cartoonists, to unite and form a platform for their creative voices to be heard. Within the Indian subcontinent lies an incredible wealth of artistic talent, from traditional painters to witty cartoonists. A significant number of these cartoonists have, over the years, faced suppression when their satirical work touched upon sensitive topics or those in power. Teekhi Mirch aims to be a melting pot for these creative minds, providing a unified platform for Indian cartoonists to express themselves freely and without fear.
Cartoonists have been the voice of dissent for centuries, holding up a mirror to society and poking fun at those in power. To maintain their freedom of expression, cartoonists worldwide have often sought solidarity within cooperative groups, working together to create a safer environment for their community. These collective platforms allow cartoonists to share their work and provide much-needed support when they face threats and backlash for their daring, thought-provoking pieces.
The lack of a unified platform in India may be due to poor collaboration among artists, a lack of awareness about this skill, or the inability to find like-minded individuals with the same passion for art and satire. Teekhi Mirch, translating to "spicy chili", aims to bridge this gap and bring together Indian cartoonists on a common stage, allowing them to showcase their work and engage in thought-provoking discussions while providing them a sense of community.
Teekhi Mirch aims to educate its audience about cartooning importance as an art form and the significant suppression faced by cartoonists in different countries. By sharing these stories, the platform hopes to garner support and empathy for its cartoonists, ensuring their freedom of expression remains intact and respected. Establishing such a platform is vital for providing Indian cartoonists with the security and confidence they need to continue sharing their creative visions with the world.
The scope of a cartoonist's work is vast, ranging from local gossip to the international calamities that befall the world. Their unique way of combining humor and deep-rooted societal issues is a rare gift, often undervalued and misunderstood. Teekhi Mirch plans to initiate a conversation on the significance of this art form, raising awareness about the consequences cartoonists face for their bold and satirical portrayals.
Teekhi Mirch's launch signifies not just a step towards a more open and accepting society but is also an ode to the cartoonists who have time and again risked their lives for freedom of expression. By providing a space, both online and offline, for these talented individuals to come together and share their experiences, thoughts, and artwork, Teekhi Mirch establishes itself as a ray of hope in a world where the freedom of expression is increasingly threatened. With dedicated efforts and resilience, the Indian cartoonists and the supportive community behind Teekhi Mirch will surely leave their mark, one spicy cartoon at a time.
Creativity in pictures!
Mario Miranda's cartoons were famed for their intricate detailing, bold strokes and riotous humour. His depiction of the quintessential G...
Ms. Nigar Nazar is the first female cartoonist of Pakistan, and also the Muslim World. Five decades ago she invented Gogi (a young femal...
Shankar Pillai ji, hailed as the ‘father of political cartooning in India,’ his legacy stems from his extraordinary focus on carving a ni...
Sudhir Tailang was more than just another Indian cartoonist. He was a thought leader, a social critic, and more importantly, the common m...